Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Inspirational Song

When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree,
there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see,
there will be an answer. let it be.

Let it be, let it be, .....

And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me,
shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, .....

This song is inspirational to me because I believe it is saying that we need to accept or let everyone be who they are and to not try to change anyone else. It is so important to allow people to be who they choose, and wait for people to find themselves, and then accept whoever that person becomes. Also, I think that this says a lot about the environment and how we are changing it until it is completely unrecognizable. We just need to learn to just
let things be.

Friday, December 3, 2010

5 things

The 5 things I would never do to another human being:

  1. I will never ever turn my back on my family. They are so important to me, and play such a huge role in my life that I can never see myself turning my back on them. No matter how angry at them I may become, I will always try to remember that my family is always looking out for my best interests and in the end just want to see me happy.
2. I will never purposely try to change another person into someone they are not. I believe it is so important for every person to remember who they are as they grow and mature, and loosing yourself or changing yourself for another person is so unfortunate because it never helps anyone in the end. From personal experiences, I know what its like to try and mold yourself to be more likable to other people, but that time also happens to be the time in my life when I was most unhappy.

3. I will never take another person for granted. It is very important for me to remember to acknoledge all of the wonderful people in my life and never under-appreciate them, because if I do, I may loose them forever. Also, I need to work on telling the people in my life how much they mean to me more, and making sure they know that I appreciate them.
 4. I will never ignore or turn my back on someone in need. I believe it is so important because I am being brought up in such a fortunate family, to help those who are not as lucky as I am. For some people it is very hard to come out, drop the pride, and ask for help, and if this happens, I will try to do everything in my power to help them.

5. I will never purposely cause physical harm to an animal. This seriously goes against my morals of loving and cherishing animals, which I do, and I don't believe it is physically possible for someone who has grown up around dogs to harm a dog, or any animal for that matter. I love all animals and cannot even imagine causing harm to one. Unlike the other four vows which are decisions I have made, this is something that physically I don't believe I can do, even if I wanted to.  

Monday, November 29, 2010

mission statement

If I had to choose a trait to live my life by, I would try to live it as honestly as I possibly can.
 When I ignore my true feelings, it makes me unhappy because I am pretending something doesn't bother me when in fact, it does;
 which leads me to this vow to always be honest with the people around me,
along with being true to myself.
Personally, it never benefits me in the end when I push my emotions out of my mind.
I believe that this will benefit me in the long run because I will earn the respect of my friends and most-importantly, from myself.

Friday, October 8, 2010


1) The Cove
I think this documentary, though gory and at times very hard to watch, sheds much needed light on the dolphin slaughters in Japan. The majority of people are unaware that thousands of helpless animals are being trapped and killed just for "eating too many fish." Also, this movie has taught me to think twice before swimming with dolphins, anywhere in the world, because they probably came from Japan, and were one of the few animals fortunate enough to escape the slaughter by being shipped to water parks all around the world, for our entertainment. 

2) Sharkwater
I chose this movie because of my love for animals, and my hate to see them badly treated, but also because sharks have always fascinated me. They are seen as horribly scary creatures, and for a long time I thought they were, but now i see them as being one of the most misunderstood creatures. In Sharkwater, sharks are caught using illegal long-line fishing nets, and brutally have their fins sliced off, before being released into the water and left for dead. The fins are considered a delicacy in China, and are worth a lot of money.

3) An Inconvenient Truth
This film, I believe is important for everyone to see, because it's shocking statistics proves the theory of global warming. The facts are that we are hurting our Earth, causing ice caps in the north to melt, destroying habitat, and in this situation, knowledge is the best answer. Just getting the word out, making people aware, will cause people to start thinking about carpooling, using bikes as transport, and recycling whenever possible. This documentary is not meant to scare people into think we are destroying our planet, just to inform and educate the masses, and to try and turn this around. 

4) The Grizzly Man
I was interested in this documentary because I have always been intrigued by animals I don't know much about, or that are supposedly misunderstood. I don't necessarily agree with what Timothy Treadwell was doing by entering into the grizzlys' territory and living with them, because he wasn't respecting their boundaries, and was invading their privacy and territory. I believe he had the right intentions to protect the grizzly bears, and meant well, but wasnt thinking realistically. Timothy clearly felt an unbelievably strong connection to these animals, but in the end, did not respect their boundaries, and was killed by one of the grizzlies that he spent 13 years protecting. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Brave New World-- Questions

1. Why is the first sentence strange? What does it set up? 
I think the first sentence is strange because the author describes a building of 34 stories as only 34 stores, and as a "squat grey building". This sets up that everything in this time period is larger and more advanced, and that people's perceptions of "normal" have grown with the building sizes to think that a 34 story building is small and quaint. 
 2. What is the meaning of the World State's motto "COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY"?
The leaders want everyone to feel part of a community, and to feel accepted. They want everyone to feel like they have individual identities, while being seen in their predetermined classes. And of course they depend on people continuously consuming and buying to keep markets and the government stable.
3. Why does the fertilizing room look so cold when it is actually hot inside? What goes on there? 
I think that the fertilizing room looking cold is a metaphor because of the lack of emotion that goes on inside. There is no love or affection for the embryos, because the workers have been conditioned since they were children not to feel emotions for anything or anyone else. Workers fertilize eggs, and create children of each caste in this room.
*4. Why do particulars "make for virtue and happiness," while generalities "are intellectually necessary evils?"
Their main goal will always come back to getting happiness for themselves, whether that's buying it or receiving it some other way.
5. How do people know who they are in this society?
Before people are even born, their fate in this society's hierarchy has already been decided for them. Workers mass produce eggs to "be born" into a fixed category of Alpha's, Beta's, Gamma's, Delta's and Epsilon's. The last three castes have a mental disorder due to lack of oxygen as a fetus that makes them less intelligent.
6. Why use the Bokanovsky's process at all? How is it an instrument of social stability?
Bokanovsky's process was used because 96 human beings could grow where only one or two (twins) can grow in our lifetime. His process is used alongside the social status so they can have more embryos growing from one bud, therefore using less buds. Also they can use these 96 embryos in the category lacking, instead of just one.
7. Why don't Epsilons "need human intelligence"?
Epsilons don't need human intelligence because they aren't required to think very much in the jobs they were created for. They work in factories doing the grunt work, and do not have the brain capacity to run countries, like Alpha's.

1. What work does the conditioning do? Who gets conditioned? How does hypnopaedia work? 
Babies and children get conditioned to learn the basics of what they will need to know as they grow up into adults. During conditioning, they learn the things to stay away from, things that aren't politically correct, and things that are expected of them; things that are the "norm" of their society. Hypnopaedia, the "principle of sleep-teaching," was the act of memorizing certain facts in your sleep, but not thoroughly understanding the concepts. 
2. Why condition the Delta's to hate nature but love outdoor sports?
Long ago, Delta's were conditioned to like nature, because it was thought that they would consume more transport, which they did. However, it prevented factories from being busy. They had to abolish the love of nature to keep people consuming products and keeping factories in business. People were conditioned to love country sports, but it was made sure that all country sports entail the use of elaborate apparatus. "People consume manufactured articles as well as transport."
3. How does time work in this book? History? Why does Ford say "History is bunk"?
Learning about history is discouraged because if people know about the past they can compare their lives to people's back then, and they may discover that people of our time were just has happy, and this makes people of Ford's time to question their lifestyles. Ford wants people to live and consume in the present, he believes history is garbage, unimportant.
4. What are the various castes like and why?
Alpha's are the smartest, are used to invent and run the country, and wear grey. Beta's are less intelligent than Alpha's, but are still considered upper-class. Gamma's wear green, Delta's wear khaki, and Epsilon's wear black. The last three caste's have a mental disorder due to lack of oxygen and are used for manual labour.
5. How do the students demonstrate their own conditioning?
The upper-class students have been conditioned to look down upon the caste's below them, but to be happy with their own.

1. How do the children play together? What is childhood like?
Naked children play ball games, or squat silently in twos or threes in the shrubs. Children are conditioned to start having sex at the age of seven, and learn how to act and treat others in their castes.   
2. How is our world depicted? How do we get from here to there?

Our world is looked down upon because things were simpler and not everything was invented or based on increasing consumption. With each new and complicated game or toy that was invented, the next one had to be more elaborate and in some may more challenging, and eventually people started basing their worlds around waiting for the next best thing.
3. Why must games be so complex in this society?
Games are not created unless they bring something new and interesting to stores. The main idea is to create something that people will want to consume, and people are less inclined to buy something if they already have something like it; there is less desire for it. 4. Why are strong emotions dangerous? Family relationships? Romance? Religion? Art? Culture?
Emotions could be dangerous to learn too much about because people could relate to them or be intrigued by them and want to bring them into their lifestyles. Also, there is the potential to get hurt with these things, which leads to unhappiness.
5. How is sexuality used in this novel? Do you see any problems with it?
Sexuality is used as a form of amusement, and children have been conditioned to start "erotic play" at the ripe age of seven, so by the time they are into adulthood, sex is such a mundane thing that it is weird to go weeks without it. It is a little weird for me to imagine these acts happening before the age of ten, also sex is portrayed to us as a sacred thing that you do with someone you care about, but we think that because that is what we have been taught.
6. What does Mustapha Mond do? What is his relationship to history?
Mustapha Mond, also known as "His Fordship", is the controller of the Western European zone of London. He is the one who decides what to tell people about history and how to word things so people will be disgusted at the thought of the way we live.
7. Is there anything unusual about Lenina Crowne? Bernard Marx? What? Why?
Lenina seems to like to go against the expected of most people. She has spent over a month with the same man, when the usual time limit is a week as the most, and shows an interest in Bernard Marx when he is socially unacceptable. Bernard Marx is not your typical Alpha because of his smaller size, and this makes him insecure, when an Alpha should be proud and confident.
8. How does Huxley use the cinematic technique toward the end of this chapter?

He switches between different conversations very quickly and they become as big as one sentence then we switches to a different character speaking. I thought it was powerful, but very confusing and hard to keep up with.
9. What is soma? What are its uses?
Soma is a pill the people take to keep them from feeling too much. It keeps them in a happy euphoria.
10. How do people age in this society?
People dont age, they take pills to prevent them from looking older, and die at the age of 60 so they never have to be seen as withered and old and "ugly".

1. What is life like for the Epsilon-Minus Semi-Moron who runs the elevator?
He probably works all day, doing work no body else wants to do. People look down upon him and are thankful they aren't Epsilon-Minus'.  
2. How do the other Alphas relate to Bernard?

They act standoffish towards him because he is physically unlike other Alpha's. Some fellow Alpha's feel sorry for him because it is thought that he may have had alcohol in his blood surrogate and that is why he is different.
3. What does Lenina do on her date?

She and Henry Foster took his helicopter to Stoke Poges to play Obsticale Golf. Then they go to Henry's apartment and go across the street to Westminster Abbey Cabaret. After this they go back to Henry's apartment and take soma caplets and have sex.
4. What does she think of the lower castes?

Lenina is very vocal about her feelings for lower castes. "I'm glad I'm not a Gamma", is an example of something she says proving she looks down upon them and is glad she is of the higher castes.
5. Why is Bernard the way he is? What does he really want?

It is thought that when Bernard was in a tube, a worker put alcohol into his blood surrogate by accident and that is why he grew up smaller than the average Alpha. He just wants to fit in and be normal for once.
6. Why is Helmholtz the way he is? What does he want? How is he different from Bernard?

Helmholtz has a mental excess which causes him to be thought as "a little too able." he feels like there is something else in the world, something more important that consumption, but he doesn't know what it is. He is the opposite of Bernard because Bernard is physically defective while Helmholtz it physically too able. 

1. What do Lenina and Henry talk about on their way home? What happens at the crematorium?
They talk about the Slough Crematorium. Inside the crematorium is where people are cremated, and they recover over 98% of the phosphorus from circulation. This is used for plant growth.
2. Why are stars depressing?

Stars are depressing because when you can see the night sky, it means you don't see the sky signs, or they are turned off, and this might be sad.
3. What are the solidarity services like? What role do they play? How does Bernard fit?

It is a group that meets to worship something, but instead of religion, they worship materialism-- Model T. They solitary hymns, and ingest soma in the form of "strawberry ice cream soma". They summon a Greater Being, but Bernard is unfazed and doesn't feel any greater power, but goes along with it to be like everyone else.

1. Why is being alone a bad thing?
Because it allows you time alone in your own head. Also, being lonely makes people feel unhappy, which is avoided at all costs.
2. What do Lenina and Bernard do on their first date? Why is the ocean important? The moon?
Bernard talks a lot about the ocean and how calming and peaceful he feels when gazing out into the waves. This makes Lenina feel very uncomfortable, to feel inspired about something to ordinary.
*3. What does Bernard say about freedom? What does he mean?

4. How does the date end?

With Bernard giving in to Lenina's begging, taking a few grammes of soma, and sleeping with her.
*5. What does it mean to be infantile in this society?
6. How does the director feel about Bernard? Why is he warning him?

He notices that Bernard is different, therefore must have to be monitored closely. He warns him not to question society and act the way he is expected to act, or else he will be exiled to Iceland.
7. What does his story mean? What does it show us about him?

The story shows that the director has made mistakes in his past, in leaving with Linda somewhere in the reservation, that he is not necessarily proud of.
8. How does Helmholtz feel about Bernard after he hears the story of the meeting with the director?

Helmholtz is annoyed with Bernard's childish behavior and emotions. 9. What do we learn from the Warden? What are the reservations like?
There is no escape from a Savage Reservation, and children are born into it and will live there for their entire lives.
10. What does the word Malpais mean?

Malpais is the town and rest house where Lenina and Bernard stay. This is where they watch the sacrifice and where John and Linda live.  

1. How is the mesa like a ship?
"The mesa was like a ship beclaimed in a strait of lion-coloured dust."
2. Why doesn’t Lenina like their Indian guide?

Lenina is afraid of the indian guide because he is associated with this unknown and queer place. Her feelings were reciprocated, with the guide being described as "hostile and sullenly contemptuous."
3. What is the city itself like? What are the people like? How does Lenina respond? Bernard?

The streets were dirty and dusty, and villiagers walked by in feathers and wearing deerskin shoes, holding snakes. Lenina is shocked and scared at times, and Bernard is fascinated in many of the things he sees, but is shocked along with Lenina.
4. What ceremony do they witness? What does it mean? What does it seem like to Lenina?

They witness a sacrificial ceremony. This is considered to be an honor. Lenina sees the blood and what in her eyes is torture and cruelty.
5. What idols emerge from the ground?
An eagle -- Pookong, and Jesus Christ.
6. How is John Savage different? What does he want? How does he respond to Lenina?
He is different because his mother Linda was born through a bottle but she was left at the reservation and gave birth to him at Malpais, and he has lighter skin and hair. He wants to fit in with the other indians, but clearly doesnt. He seems imbarissed, and shy when he notices Lenina watching him.
7. What is Linda’s story? What has her life been like here? How does Lenina react to her?
She travelled to the Reservation with the director a long time ago, but she got lost and he left without her. She accidently got pregnant and horrifyingly gave birth to her son John. He pities herself and her life in Malpais, is ashamed for having a baby. Lenina pities her for doing these awful things she has been conditioned to be disgusted with.


1. What was John’s upbringing like? His relationship with Linda? His education?
He had a tough time finding acceptance in the native boys, so much of his time was spent by himself. He has a close relationship with Linda, and feels protective of her around other men.
2. Why doesn’t Linda want to be called a mother?
Because she has been conditioned to think family is wrong and even though she has love and appreciation for John, she is disgusted with herself for having a baby.
3. What social positions do Linda and John hold in Malpais?
Neither of them are treated with kindness or acceptance. Linda is shown no respect by men, and John is clearly an outsider.
4. What does John want in his life?

5. What does Linda tell him about the Other Place?
Linda would talk very highly about the Other Place, how you could go flying anytime of day, that there was no such thing as sadness, and how everything was beautiful and happy.
6. What does he learn from Shakespeare? How does he relate to Hamlet? The Tempest?

John connects with Shakespeare because it speaks to him and he is able to make connections to his own life. He relates Linda to the women sleeping on a bed in Hamlet, and Pope with Hamlet's uncle. John also sees Bernard as Prospero from the Tempest.
7. What does it mean to discover “Time and Death and God?”
8. What do John and Bernard have in common?

They are both outsiders in their own community and are continuously striving for acknowledgement. They gravitate towards each other because they see the similarities between them. 
9. Why does Bernard want to take John to London?
Bernard sees fame and recognition through the Savage, and becomes corrupt and greedy and uses him.


1. How does Mustapha Mond feel about the plan?
Mustapha Mond sees the "sufficient scientific interest" in bringing the Savage to London.
2. What happens when John watches Lenina sleep? What does he think or feel?
John connects Lenina with Juliet and himself as Romeo. He believes she is above him and that he is not worthy of her.


1. How and why was the DHC planing to make an example out of Bernard?
The DHC told Bernard to meet him in the Fertilizing Room because "it contains more high caste workers than any other." The director wants to do this because Bernard is very smart, and with that comes moral responsibilities. The director is afraid that Bernard will corrupt people with his ludicrous beliefs.
2. Why is unorthodoxy worse than murder?
Because "unorthodoxy threatens more than life of a mere individual, it strikes at Society itself."
3. How does Linda act in the hatchery? How does the DHC react? The spectators?
Linda acts warmly to the director as she is reacquainted with him. She tries to convince him that it is the same Linda from years ago. He is disgusted with her appearance and acts as if he has never known her. The spectators laughed at the humiliating joke.

1. Why does John become popular, but not Linda?
John is misterious and unknown because he was born on a reservation. Linda is a mother mother who has grown fat, and ugly over the years.
2. How does Bernard’s life change? How does he react? What does Helmholtz think?

Bernard finds himself of an importance that he was never experienced before. It is because he has connections with the Savage that he is suddenly so popular. He uses John's popularity to get girls and to make his fellow alpha plus' jealous. Helmholtz shows no interest and Bernard is insulted and doesnt want to be friends with him anymore.
3. How does Linda spend her time?

In a soma holiday. She takes as much as 20 grammes a day and is thought to only live another 2 months.
4. How does Bernard talk in public?

With new-found confidence that he never used to have before he met the Savage. He owes all of his unknown fame to John.
5. What does Mustapha Mond think of Bernard’s reports?

He is angry that Bernard is trying to lecture him, but then his emotion changes to mirth, because he realizes how clueless and idiotic Bernard really is, and decides to teach him a lesson.
6. What does John think of the caste system? Of the clones? How does he use The Tempest now?

John is disgusted with the ways of the World State and ends up "violently retching" because he finds this lifestyle so nausiating.
7. What do we learn about the reservations at Eton? What does John think?

8. How do the children respond to dying? Why?Dying is seen as a positive and educational thing that holds no emotion at all. Children come to see a death as part of their conditioning to accept death as nonchalantly as if they were going to a feely.
9. How does Lenina feel about John?

Lenina thinks John is very attractive and senses he is uncomfrotable around her, but she catches him watching her sometimes too.
10. What does John think about the feelies? Why?

He thinks the film is horrible and ignoble because of the violence and inhuman-ness.

1. Why does John decide not to come to Bernard’s party? What does this mean for Bernard?
John was feeling used because Bernard was using John's fame to attract envy from his peers and to make himself feel special. This means that Bernard is made to look like a fool when he has to tell everyone that the Savage will not appear. 2. How does Lenina feel at the party? Why does she feel this way?
 She had a strange feeling of "anxious exultation". Like she was anticipating her next encounter with him. She feels this way because she may have real feelings for him. She felt lifeless when she found out that she wouldn't see him.
3. How does John feel? Why is he reading Romeo and Juliet?

 John feels like he has requited love for Lenina, but she isn't capable of love in return. He reads R & J because he feels the same way as Romeo does for Juliet.
4. What does it mean that Lenina likes looking at the moon now?

I dont think John has made such an impact on her that she has a different mindset, but atleast she has began to stop and take notice of the natural things in the world, things he believed in, like the moon.
5. What role does Mustapha Mond play as a censor? Why does he do it? What does he

censor? What does he really want?
6. How does Bernard’s position change? How do John and Helmholtz respond to Bernard now?
8. What does Helmholtz think of Shakespeare? Romeo and Juliet?
9. What does Helmholtz think is necessary for good writing?
1. What are the consequences of Lenina’s emotion? What is happening?
2. How does she feel for John? What does she do to get what she wants?
3. How does John feel for Lenina? What does he want to do to prove it?
4. How does John react to Lenina’s actions? Why does he respond this way? What did he want from her?


1. What is the hospital for the dying like? What are the dying like?
2. Note the television. Recall TV did not exist as we know it in 1932.
3. Why is Linda dying?
4. What memories flood over John as he stands before his mother? Why these particular memories? What are his memories of the “other place”? What role does memory play in civilization?
5. Why are the Delta children at the hospital? What does John think of this?
6. Why isn’t death terrible for those in the civilized world? What does this mean for the individual?


1. The title phrase recurs here. How is it used differently than before? What does it mean now?
2. Why does John decide to interfere with the soma distribution? Why does he say it is poison?
3. What is John’s conception of slavery and freedom? Manhood? Liberty?
4. What does he think of the Deltas to whom he delivers his speech?
5. What roles do Bernard and Helmholtz play here? What does this tell us about their characters?
6. How does the soma riot end? What does it mean to be happy and good?


1. How would you describe Bernard’s behavior in this chapter? Why does he act this way?
2. Why doesn’t John like civilization?
3. Why does Mond say old and beautiful things are forbidden?
4. Why can’t tragedies be written now? What is necessary for tragedy?
5. What does art mean in the new world? What can’t it mean? What is Helmholtz’s role?
6. What does Mond say is the role of liberty? Happiness? Stability? Truth and Beauty?
7. How does Mond explain the caste system? Do you agree?
8. What would happen with an entire society of Alphas?
9. Why must science be constrained? Progress? Do you agree?
10. What choice did Mond make as a young physicist? Why? What is his real position?
11. Why does Helmholtz make the choice he makes?


1. Why does Mond want to talk with John alone? What do they talk about?
2. What is the significance of their discussion of religion? What does John argue religion can give to civilization? Why does Mond argue that it is unnecessary and potentially dangerous?
3. What does Mond believe is the role of God? How is it related to the self?
4. What role does solitude play in spirituality?
5. How does John argue that the civilized man has been degraded? From what and to what?
6. What are your conceptions of the roles of self-denial, chastity, nobility, heroism? What would John or Mond say?
7. What role does Mond say soma plays in this? What is an “opiate of the masses”?
8. What does it mean “to suffer the sling and arrows of outrageous fortune” or oppose them?
9. What does John mean by saying that nothing in civilization costs enough?
10. In saying no to civilization, what does John say yes to? Would you make the same decision?


1. How does John purify himself?
2. Where does he go, and what does he plan to do there?
3. Does this represent a healthy alternative from society?
4. Why the self-flagellation?
5. What are his thoughts of Lenina?
6. What makes the film so popular back in London?
7. What does Lenina want? What does John think she wants?
8. How does the crowd respond? What happens that evening? What becomes of Lenina?
9. What is John’s decision? Why does he make it? Were there alternatives?
1. Why does John become popular, but not Linda?
1. Why does Mustapha Mond agree to the plan?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Brave New World- Shakespeare in a safe

Why Is Shakespeare locked in a safe? 

Shakespeare is locked in a safe in this book because Shakespeare writes about love, grief, jealousy, and almost every emotion good or bad. This is not wanted in the World State because people are taught not to feel emotion, they are supposed to feel superficial happiness at all times and not feel negative emotions. Why would people feel negatively when they have everything they can possibly want? People are created not to feel any emotions, because when they start to feel, they start to think, and question authority. And that is what the leaders are most against. They love conformity.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Quotes to Live By

1. ...the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. -Anne Frank
2. It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -AESOP
3. Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure. -George Edward Woodberry
4. Don't aim for success if it want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. -David Frost
5. In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons. -Herodotus
6. When I look into the future, it's so bright it burns my eyes. -Oprah Winfrey
7. The man who has no imagination has no wings. -Muhammad Ali
8. Nothing gold can stay. -Robert Frost
9. Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it. -Fyodor Dostoyevsky
10. Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. -Unknown Source
11. Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. -Carl Segan
12. He who angers you conquors you. -Elizabeth Kenny
13. Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it. -William Shakespeare
14. Luck is only a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. -Oprah Winfrey
15. How do you know that the fruit is ripe? Simply because it leaves the branch. -Andre Gide
16. We do not remember days, we remember moments. -Cesare Pavese 
17. Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave. -Indira Gandhi
18. An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. -Mohandas Gandhi
19. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney
20. Music can change the world because it can change people. -Bono

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

People who commit their lives to following the pursuit of happiness will find themselves empty and traveling for years and years. The emotion of joy cannot be followed and captured, but can be accomplished in the form of surrounding yourself with those close to your heart, surpassing obstacles, and lending aid to those unable to help themselves.


Sept. 16
1) What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
It was confirmed that bad things happen to good people, but somehow, the scoreboard is always evened out. I already knew to stand up for what I believe in; to voice my opinions and not be afraid of confrontation. Question peoples motives, and prevent those few from taking advantage of others.
2) What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is courage; because everyday I am given strength to try new things and put myself on the line, with little fear of being put down.
3) What surprised you in your learning today?
I was surprised at how untruthful and conniving people can be, that the "real world" is filled with people only looking out for themselves.
4) What changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
This isn't a "change" but as I grow older I am going to make sure that I never become someone only looking out for herself, that I watch out for others being wronged, and stay true to my roots.
5) What connections have you made to your own life?
That the decisions I make now shape me into the person I will become later on in life. There may not necessarily be right and wrong choices to make, just different ones, all leading in various directions. 
6) What questions are you left with? 
a) Can a decision I have made now be reversed later in life?
b) Why does everything revolve around the Internet?
c) Is there anything you can't do on the Internet?

Sept. 21
1) What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
That I need to work on my stress factor and not let my anxiety ruin my day, as it did today. I already knew that I get nervous when performing in front of people.. And I wonder why I picked drama as my major if this is such a large issue.. Hmm..
2) What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is meltdown, because I was on the verge of having one all day. I see now that it was not entirely the audition that was the cause of the stress, but suddenly realizing that this is the last year I will have the chance to do it, plus all of my school work on top of that. But I constantly have to remind myself that it always works out in the end.
3) What surprised you in your learning today?
I was surprised at how much better I felt after finishing my audition, like a big weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Even though I dislike monologues, they are never as bad as I expect them to be.
4) What changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
I am going to keep in mind to not psych myself out quite as much as today, and to stay calm, because I just end up feeling silly for being so nervous in the first place. And to try and have fun with whatever I am doing, because it will be over before I know it.
5) What connections have you made to your own life?
That each time I step onto the stage, and perform, I learn something new about my acting that helps to improve myself, and I am reminded why I love to perform.
6) What questions are you left with?
a) What can I do next time in order to keep my nerves from ruining my day?
b) Is there a reason why I get so nervous before I perform while others remain unfazed?
c) What will the outcome be of the auditions?

Sept. 27
1) What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
It was confirmed that our generation is guilty of mass consumerism. We live in a world that revolves around money, where we are always wanting new things, always buying new things. But what we buy is just stuff, and after a significant amount of time, it holds no meaning to us anymore and becomes clutter that we push to the very edges of our minds and our closets. I already knew this to an extent, but today was the first time I really thought about it and what kinds of people we are growing up to be because of it.
2) What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is fittingly consumption because that's all I find myself doing lately, and is what our generation is leading to. The World State in Brave New World could very much be where our society is leading to. Obviously those in the book are the most drastic of measures but the goal of the book is to consume to no ends and for people to be happy, and I believe without knowledge of what we are doing, that is possibly where we are headed.
3) What surprised you in your learning today?
I am surprised at the lengths people will go to to prevent unhappiness. I don't actually think people are thoroughly unhappy when they don't get what they want, but we are all so used to having the things we want almost immediately that it is unusual when we have to wait for things. And some people don't like change. I don't particularly like change, but I know its good for me.
4) What changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
I am going to pay more attention to not getting upset when I don't get the things I want and I will hopefully have more respect for the things I do get, when I eventually get them. Also, I am going to try and embrace change for all of the good things it represents. I don't like change because it represents the unknown, and I guess that scares me, but it is better than getting myself into a rut.
5) What connections have you made to your own life?
I think I have noticed how much I receive without really working for it. Like food and clothing, basics to me, when people all across the world are working 8-9 hours a day for these very things that we take advantage of everyday. That is why I really want to travel to Africa after I graduate, because it will make me appreciate everything I have given to me, and let me understand the way people live and what they have to work for. Also, it will show me the true necessities of life, like water and somewhere to sleep. Not a Starbucks coffee and a queen size bed.
6) What questions am I left with?
a) Will our society actually turn into the one described in Brave New World?
b) Why do some people think that being unhappy is the worst thing in the world?
c) Will I ever go to Africa? And will it change me as much as I imagine it will? Or more?

Oct. 2
1.What was confirmed for you?  What did you already know?
It was confirmed that I have so many beautiful people in my life that have helped me in so many different ways, some I am still getting to know, and some who have been with me for years.
2. What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is relax because that is all I have done today.
3. What surprised you in your learning today?
I was happily surprised at how many great people have come into my life and I am very excited about what the future will bring.
4. What changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
I am going to embrace things as they come to me make the best out of every situation, and enjoy this time of my life, because I feel like I am in a good place.
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
I am starting to realize what people mean when they say this is one of the best years of our lives. Finally groups are blending together and I am ready to fully embrace grade 12!
6. What questions am I left with?
a) How different will this year be from last year?
b) Are the friendships I make now going to be life-lasting?
c) Can I take a gap year before starting university?

Oct. 6
1. What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
That I should start seriously thinking about what I want to do next year. I already have an idea about what career I may want to do, but I still have to decide whether I want to take a gap year or not.
2. What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is prioritizing because  I have a lot of work on my plate at the moment and with university applications and scholarships to think about, I don't want to get behind.
3. What surprised you in your learning today?
I was surprised at how quickly time is flying by, with this being my last year I want to enjoy, remember, and appreciate each and every day, but it is easy to get caught up in school work and friends and not fully appreciate the weeks and moments that fly by.
4. What changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
Try to remember to stop and smell the roses a bit more often..
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
I find that I rush through my days too quickly, and tend to get in a rut of doing the same things everyday, so I must try to challenge myself to mix things up and not come home everyday to have a nap on my couch.... Although I do love naps..
6. What questions am I left with?
a) Is there a deadline for when I must make up my decision about universities?
b) Where will I go if I decide to take a gap year?
c) Is it possible to slow down this year? And take everything in worth remembering?

Oct. 11
1. What was confirmed for you today? What did you already know?
It was confirmed that I am a very lucky person to be living in Canada, and have A LOT to be thankful for, and this I already knew.
2. What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is family, because I spent my entire day spending my entire day with my family and it was great. Also, family is one of the most important things I am thankful for because they are all such a great support system and mean soo much to me. 
3. What surprised you in your learning today
I was surprised at how well I drove home from Thanksgiving dinner in Richmond to Fort Langley with my family. It was a really great experience and a confidence booster and was my first time driving on the highway, day or night.
4. What changes will you make as a result of what you have learned?
Now that I have driven on the highway at night, I will be more confident whenever I drive after dark, and use that experience for all of my highway driving. It was not as bad as I expected it to be.
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
I used to be afraid of highway driving because it was unfamiliar and scary to me, but now I know that just like anything in life, once you do it, and step out of your comfort zone, you realize it was just fear itself you were afraid of.
6. What questions are you left with?
a) Will I continue to feel nervous about highway driving?
b) Will this experience increase my enjoyment for driving?
c) Will I be ready to take my "N" test by my birthday? (in 16 days)
d) Will I continue to be the designated driver every thanksgiving until I am 19?

Oct. 15
1. What was confirmed for you today? What did you already know?
It was confirmed that I really need to get a good nights sleep, or else I will not be able to function the next day. I already knew that sleep relates very closely with your mood and energy levels.
2. What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is sleep because that is what I am missing.
3. What surprised you in your learning?
I was surprised at how many times I used to deal with a conflict wrong and blow it way out of proportion. And how much drama I used to have in my life. I'm so glad I'm through with that.
4. What changes will you make as a result of what you have learned?
Now that I know some good strategies for solving problems, I will use them towards my own life, and teach others how to solve problems correctly and efficiently. Also, I will remember to always do the best I can to get a goods night sleep, because it is so important to how I act the next day.
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
I will always try to remember how there is always two sides to every story, and to not jump to conclusions, when dealing with a conflict.
6. What questions are you left with?
a) Will I be able to handle the next conflict I am faced with?
b) Will I be less stressed next week, and able to get full 8 hour sleeps all of the nights of the week?
c) What should I be for Halloween?

Oct. 21
1. What was confirmed for you today? What did you already know?
That sometimes all you need is a good laugh. I already knew that I love long weekends.
2. What was the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is fun because this is exactly what I needed, and I had a very fun weekend.
3. What surprised you in your learning?
I was surprised at how I can find the stupidest things funny sometimes and it is very likely that every now and then we all need to have a good laugh!
4. What changes did you make as a result of what you learned?
I will try and stop to smell the roses more, and just enjoy each day and not get so caught up with schoolwork. I enjoy my days so much more when I am not worrying about anything.
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
I have noticed that the things that I am faced with go so much smoother when I choose a way to enjoy them somehow. If I am doing homework just to get it done, I don't learn as much and usually don't do as well on it.
6. What questions are you left with?
a) Will I feel different when I am a year older.. (in 6 days)
b) Will I ever finish the Brave New World questions?
c) Can Halloween weekend come any slower???

Oct. 27
1. What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
I forgot how much fun birthdays are! (mine) It is a nice feeling to know you are loved.  
2. What was the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
My 5 words of the day are: surprises, laughs, joy, friendship, and gratitude! These all tie into how I felt today. It was a fantastic day!
3. What surprised you in your learning?
I was surprised at how the long the small intestines are... Its a little ironic.
4. What changes did you make as a result of what you learned?
I was grossed out watching a baby pig being dissected, but since then I have learned that since I handled it well, maybe I will be successful as I hopefully go on though the sciences and perhaps carry on to med school.
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
The dissection made me think about my plans for next year and if I can handle looking at the insides of bodies. I still get grossed out, but I also find it interesting, so we will see where this takes me.
6. What questions are you left with?
a) Will I have to dissect my own pig this year???
b) Will I manage to scramble and find a costume for the dance tomorrow?
c) Why am I always scrambling to find a costume for Halloween at the last minute?

Nov. 1
1. What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
It was confirmed that I have been taking our school, particularly the theatre, for granted and if one good thing can come out of the fire, it will be to appreciate the fortunate things we are given in life because they can be taken away from us at any moment.
2. What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day is appreciation because when the theatre is finally restored, I'm sure everyone will appreciate every opportunity we are given to use it.
3.What surprised you in your learning?
I was horribly surprised how the idiotic actions of a few individuals can cause so much damage and so much time and money to repair. It is so unfortunate that we are left to pick up the pieces when we have done nothing to diverse it.
4. What changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
Even though I have said this already, this event has changed my mindset and has taught me that we have been so blessed with a beautiful theatre that we should embrace and be thankful for everyday. Also we are very lucky that the extent of the damage stopped at just 11 seats and not the entire theatre or the sych or our set for nightmare.
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
This is making me appreciate all of the things we are given in life that we haven't necessarily done anything to deserve. Also, when a misfortune like this happens, it is always very interesting to see all of the people who reach out to help when we are in our time of need.
6. What questions are you left with?
a) Will Nightmare be cancelled altogether or just postponed?
b) How can this awful event be avoided? Is something being done to protect this from reoccurring, like installing cameras?
c)Will the arsonists be caught? Or will they just get away with it ?

Nov. 4
1. What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
The realization that we need to be the change that we want to see in the world. People cannot wait for change to happen, but must work to make it happen. I already knew this but today it became much clearer to me.
2. What was the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day would be change because that is one of the things PKSS is about, working together to make changes in the world, and that is why I decided to attend the PKSS fundraiser concert.
3. What surprised you in your learning?
Nothing really surprised me.. I know that I need to do more to help our planet and the people suffering all over the world, and this day reminded me of that, and I will work to change my lifestyle in order to do this.
4. what changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
I need to try and remember that every little bit helps and even though you may think how can one person change the world, if enough people do their part by changing certain elements in their lives to accommodate the changes in the earth, we can make this a better place.
5. what connections have you made to your own life?
I will make a conscious effort to adjust my lifestyle to fit the changing world around us. With global warming, I want to do my part to live a sustainable life through recycling, carpooling or walking more and conserving energy.
6. What questions are you left with?
a) What will our planet look like in 10 years?
b) Can we reverse the effects of global warming or is it too late?

Nov. 11
1. What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
I already knew to appreciate the men and women who have died fighting for our country, but this significant day really forced me to think of the hell they must be living everyday. I am so grateful for them and my heart is with the families of the ones who have fallen.  
2. What was the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the day would have to be remembering because that is what the day has been devoted to; remembering and acknowledging the people who have/are risking their lives everyday.
3. What surprised you in your learning?
I guess I was surprised at how much more this day meant to me that it has in previous years. Perhaps it is because as I grow older, I understand the meaning of this day more, but also I think that  each year as I am maturing, I am putting more thought into the circumstances of these peoples deaths, about the families they have left behind, and about the ones still fighting everyday. It has given me a new appreciation and utter respect for the ones who continue to fight, and for the ones who have fallen.
4. What changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
I appreciate my family being in good health, and am very thankful that I don't no many people that have gone to war. For the few I do know that are in Afghanistan at the moment, I wish them a safe return soon.
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
How fortunate I am for my family to live in health and prosperity. I am reminded that I have a pretty easy life compared to children who live with war, survive through poverty, and from abusive homes. I am a very fortunate teen to be living in Canada.
6. What questions are you left with?
a) Will our troops really be completely out of Afghanistan in 3 years?
b) How many more causalities will our army have to withstand?
c) Once we are out of Afghanistan, will we be out for good? Will that be the last war we take part in?

Dec. 13
1. What was confirmed for you? What did you already know?
 After my weekend at Chehalis, it was confirmed that I love meeting new people and learning new things, and just getting away for the weekend to relax and learn about myself. I already knew that Restorative Justice is a very important skill, but it was reinforced this weekend because I learned so much that will effect the rest of my life. It was a trip I will never forget.
2. What is the word of the day? Why did you choose this word?
The word of the weekend is restoration because I learned so much about it and about solving problems for myself and for other people. This weekend changed my life because I saw first hand how forgiveness can change a persons life and how keeping emotions bottled up inside helps nobody.
3. What surprised you in your learning?
I was surprised at how lucky I am to have avoided many deaths of loved ones in my life, and I realized how much I take my family, and my life in general, for granted. I also learned how powerful the act of forgiveness is, and though it is not easy to do, it can change lives.
4. What changes are you going to make as a result of what you have learned?
I am going to appreciate my family more, and try not to take them for granted. Also I will remember the story about forgiveness that we were told, and think about how important it is to forgive someone else because it is not healthy to hold grudges. With this being said, I do believe that you can't forgive someone before your ready, and that forgiveness means something different to every person, and for some it will take longer to forgive than for others.
5. What connections have you made to your own life?
Listening to Heather's story about her family, it really made me appreciate my own family, and to become aware of some of the horrific things people are dealing with everyday. Heather's story has inspired me so much because of how strong she is now, and how brave she has been over the past 10 years, and she is a role model for me that when things get tough in my life, I can think of her and hopefully gain some strength from all of hers.
6. What questions are you left with?
a) Will I get the chance to mediate a conflict now that I have the knowledge to lead it?
b) How will my life be affected long term by this trip?